README.TXT ========== DISCLAIMER ========== This software is distributed AS-IS. There is NO warranty included. I do not gaurantee that it WILL work on every system out there. This software as distributed contains NO virii, trojans or any other nasty computer attackers. I can only say that this program DOES work on my system. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS =================== Ibm PC/AT 386, 486 or higher 2 MB Ram (Required to switch to protected mode.) 3 1/2 or 5 1/4 Floppy Drive Windows 3.x Windows 3.x supported video display. INSTALLATION ============ 1. Copy the file WCOMMAND.EXE to your WINDOWS directory. 2. Edit WIN.INI to change the SHELL= line to: SHELL=WCOMMAND.EXE 3. Restart windows. COMMANDS ======== ABOUT ----- Displays version information and a small bit of program information CD, CHDIR --------- Changes current directory to the one specified. CLS, CLRSCR ----------- Clears the command prompt window. DIR --- Displays a directory listing of the current or specified directory. EXIT ---- Exits WinCommand, if all other programs are done, terminates Windows. HELP, ? ------- Displays a help screen. Basically, this lists available commands. MD, MKDIR --------- Creates the specified directory. PROMPT ------ Allows you to redefine your command prompt. This command works just like it's Dos counterpart. It contains all the same control characters except $e. This command is not supported because it is the ANSI specific command. However the ansi color codes will be added in a future version. The command set is: Command Desc ------- ---------------------------------- $q = (equal sign) $$ $ (dollar sign) $t Current time $d Current date $p Current drive and path * $a Dos, Windows, & WinCommand version numbers $v Dos version number * $w Windows version number * $c WinCommand version number $n Current drive $g > (greater-than sign) $l < (less-than sign) $b | (pipe) $_ Enter-Linefeed $e Currently ignored (color capability will be added in a future version.) $h Backspace (to delete a character that has been written to the prompt command line) * $s Sounds the windows system bell. (Supports .WAV sounds in Windows 3.1 due to Windows not WinCommand.) Commands prefixed by an '*' are WinCommand specific enhancements. They don't work under regular Dos. DO NOT USE THE '*' IT IS NOT A COMMAND. Prompt by itself will re-set the prompt your current Dos prompt. This is WinCommand's default prompt. RD, RMDIR --------- Removes the specified directory. VER --- Displays version. You can also type in ANY program name. WinCommand will search for programs in your current path using the following program extension order: .PIF, .EXE, .COM, and then .BAT. If you specify the extension it will run the specified program. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION --------------------- WinCommand is copyright(c) 1993 by Matthew S. Vesperman MsDos, MsWindows, and Windows are copyright(c) Microsoft MsDos, MsWindows, and Windows are trademarked by Microsoft